March 30, 2011

GAE locked transactions issue

We were facing certain issues while deploying on GAE, our application had some failed transactions and was complaining about locked transactions. Just thought the following information might be helpful and handy at a later date.

Locate your <GAE_INSTALLATION_FOLDER>. If you are using eclipse plugin you would find appengine sdk in <ECLIPSE_DIR>\plugins\<SOME_VERSION>\appengine-java-sdk-<SOME_OTHER_VERSION>

To rollback go to your eclipse installation folder and issue the following command:

<GAE_INSTALLATION_FOLDER>\bin>appcfg.cmd --email=<gmail_id_OR_google_apps_email_id> --passin rollback <GAE_APP_ROOT_FOLDER>\war

To update/deploy on GAE do the following:

<GAE_INSTALLATION_FOLDER>\bin>appcfg.cmd --email=<gmail_id_OR_google_apps_email_id> --passin update <GAE_APP_ROOT_FOLDER>\war

Make sure you clean up the GAE app and run it locally before uploading to GAE. Let me know if you face issues even after these steps.

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